
The author and illustrator of popular children's books, including the Captain Underpants series, Dav Pilkey knows first hand what it's like to have a difficult time in school because of inattention and disruptive behavior, and he depicts this in the story lines and characters in his books. Begining in kidergarten, Dav was popularly known as the class clown. Yet, Dav's teacher did not think this was so funny, and as a consequence, Dav spent most of his time in the principal's office.

In fact, Dav spent so much time in the principal's office that his parents had to seek help from a professional. They wanted to find out what they could do to help Dav get better at school. It was then that Dav was diagnosed with learning and reading problems, as well as attention-deficit-hyperactivity behavior disorder.

The intention of this webquest is to provide a tool to students and educators seking answers in coping with attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorder. Upon completing this webquest, students and educators will have a more thorough understanding of what it is like to experience school while having ADHD. ADHD can profoundly affect students’ early childhood and school careers as well as their adjustment during adulthood. ADHD is a problem of internal time management. If teachers can identify the type of problems a student is having related to behavior inhibition and the executive functions, then they can implement teaching strategies to address the problem or work around it. I hope that my web quest can help teachers identify symptoms of ADHD and provide them with ideas to help students to be successful in their classroom.

Dave was successful in his adult life because he had teachers that believed in him and channeled his strengths through writing and drawing. Dav tries to encourage kids that not everyone thinks the same way and just because you experience life in a unique way does not mean that you will be unsuccessful.

Other Successful People with ADHD
* psychologist believe these famous people have ADHD based on behavior patterns
  • Alexander Graham Bellinventor
  • Ludwig van Beethovencomposer
  • Terry Bradshaw football player
  • Jim Carrey actor
  • Cher singer
  • Walt Disney cartoonist
  • Thomas Edison inventor
  • Albert Einstien physicist
  • Steven Spielbergfilmmaker
  • Robin Williams actor
  • Pablo Picasso artist
  • Ty Pennington TV personality

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